Sonos A PHP library for interacting with Sonos speakers

Getting Started




Fun Stuff


View the API Documentation for this class

When working with Queues and Playlists you will often be dealing with instances of the Track class.
These are very basic objects with public properties:

# Get the name of the song
echo $track->getTitle();

# The performing artist
echo $track->getArtist();

# The album it is from
echo $track->getAlbum();

# It's position on that album
echo $track->getNumber();

# The album art (if available)
echo "<img src='" . $track->getAlbumArt() . "'>";

They can be used with the addTrack(s) methods:

# Simple string version

# Using a track object
$track = new Track("x-file-cifs://LEMIEUX/music/dgm/frame/01-Hereafter.mp3")

If you want to pass a custom object to addTrack(s) then your class must implement the UriInterface:

class Smb implements \duncan3dc\Sonos\Interfaces\UriInterface
    private $file;
    public function __construct(string $file)
        $this->file = $file;

    public function getUri(): string
        $parts = explode("/", $this->file);
        $parts = array_map("rawurlencode", $parts);
        return "x-file-cifs://kessel/sonos/" . implode("/", $parts);

    public function getMetaData(): string
        return \duncan3dc\Sonos\Helper::createMetaDataXml("-1", "-1", [
            "res"               =>  $this->getUri(),
            "upnp:albumArtURI"  =>  "",
            "dc:title"          =>  "Title",
            "upnp:class"        =>  "object.item.audioItem.musicTrack",
            "dc:creator"        =>  "Artist",
            "upnp:album"        =>  "Album",

$tracks = [];
$tracks[] = new Smb("blitz kids/the good youth/09-Pinnacle.mp3");
$tracks[] = new Smb("afi/crash love/03-End transmission.mp3");

State Details

When getting state details from a controller the result is similar to the track class.
The available methods can be seen on the ControllerStateInterface

$state = $controller->getStateDetails();

# If a stream is being played, then get the stream identifier (otherwise null)
echo $state->getStream();

# The current (zero-based) position in the controllers queue
echo $state->getTrack();

# The position of the currently active track (hh:mm:ss)
echo $state->getPosition();