Sonos A PHP library for interacting with Sonos speakers

Getting Started




Fun Stuff

Getting Started

View the API Documentation for this class

Most actions start from the Network object which has a set of methods for getting Sonos resources from your current network.


You can get all of the speakers available:

$speakers = $sonos->getSpeakers();

Or the speakers for a particular room:

$speakers = $sonos->getSpeakersByRoom("Living Room");

See what you can do with Speakers


Although sometimes a Controller is synonymous with a Speaker, if you have multiple speakers grouped together then only one of them is the controller. You can only send events (play/pause/etc) to the controller of a group.

Get all of the controllers available:

$controllers = $sonos->getControllers();

Or the controller for a particular room:

$controller = $sonos->getControllerByRoom("Kitchen");

Or for a previously established IP address:

$controller = $sonos->getControllerByIp("");

See what you can do with Controllers


Get all the playlists available on the network:

$playlists = $sonos->getPlaylists();

Find a playlist by its name:

$playlist = $sonos->getPlaylistByName("progmetal");

Get a playlist you already know the internal ID of:

$playlist = $sonos->getPlaylistById("SQ:204");

See what you can do with Playlists


Get all the alarms available on the network:

$alarms = $sonos->getAlarms();

Or if you already know the ID of the alarm:

$alarm = $sonos->getAlarmById(33);

See what you can do with Alarms