Sonos A PHP library for interacting with Sonos speakers

Getting Started




Fun Stuff


View the API Documentation for this class

You can get existing alarms from the Network class and delete one like so:


Get the details of the alarm:

echo "Alarm ID: " . $alarm->getId() . "\n";
echo "Time: " . $alarm->getTime() . "\n";
echo "Duration: " . $alarm->getDuration() . "\n";
echo "Room: " . $alarm->getSpeaker()->getRoom() . "\n";
echo "Volume: " . $alarm->getVolume() . "\n";
echo "Frequency: " . $alarm->getFrequencyDescription() . "\n";

Update the details of the alarm:

    ->setSpeaker($sonos->getSpeakerByRoom("Living Room"));

Check if an alarm is active on a particular day:

if ($alarm->onMonday()) {
    echo "Alarm active on Mondays\n";

if ($alarm->daily()) {
    echo "Alarm active every day\n";

Update an alarm to be active or not on a particular day:


Some alarms are configured to only go off once and never again:

if (!$alarm->once()) {
echo "This alarm runs once only\n";

Some alarms are configured to go off every day:

if (!$alarm->daily()) {
echo "This alarm runs every day\n";

Check whether the alarm is active or not:

if ($alarm->isActive()) {
} else {

Instead of the day methods available above you can also use bitwise operators:

if ($alarm->getFrequency() & Alarm::MONDAY) {
    echo "Alarm active on Mondays\n";

$alarm->setFrequency(Alarm::MONDAY | Alarm::TUESDAY);