Sonos A PHP library for interacting with Sonos speakers

Getting Started




Fun Stuff


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Radio streaming (provided by TuneIn) is supported using the Radio class, which can be created like so:

$radio = $sonos->getRadio();

From the Radio class you can get Stream instances for a variety of entities.

You can get your favourite stations:

$stations = $radio->getFavouriteStations();
foreach ($stations as $station) {
    echo $station->getName() . "\n";

Or you favourite shows:

$shows = $radio->getFavouriteShows();
foreach ($shows as $show) {
    echo $show->getName() . "\n";

You can get specific shows/stations by using their names:

if ($show = $radio->getFavouriteShow("Rock Show with Daniel P Carter")) {
$station = $radio->getFavouriteStation("Radio 1");