Sonos A PHP library for interacting with Sonos speakers

Getting Started




Fun Stuff


View the API Documentation for this class

The Sonos library supports making announcements via text to speech functionality.

First you need to have a SMB share available, then you can setup a Directory instance using Flysystem.

use duncan3dc\Sonos\Utils\Directory;

# The flysystem instance used to store temporary audio files for Sonos to retrieve
$adapter = new \League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local("/var/shares/sonos");
$filesystem = new \League\Flysystem\Filesystem($adapter);

# The SMB server (this must be in uppercase, and using an IP has been reported not to work)
$hostname = "LEMIEUX";

# The share name that is setup for the filesystem path defined above (/var/shares/sonos)
$smb = "{$hostname}/sonos",

# The final argument is the name of the directory that this object is for
$directory = new Directory($filesystem, $smb, "tts");

Once you have a Directory instance, you can then create audio messages using text to speech:

use duncan3dc\Sonos\Tracks\TextToSpeech;

$track = new TextToSpeech("Testing, testing, 123", $directory);

You can use these just like any other track, however the most interesting thing to do is interrupt the current activity with a message, and then resume playing again.

$bedroom = $sonos->getControllerByRoom("Bedroom");


This will backup the current state of the controller (queue contents, stream details, volume, equalisation, etc), play the passed $track, and then restore the previous state, effectively interrupting the music to make an announcement and then carrying on where the music left off.