Sonos A PHP library for interacting with Sonos speakers

Getting Started




Fun Stuff


View the API Documentation for this class

When playing tracks from your library or other music services you’ll be using the queue.
You can check if a controller is currently using a queue, make it use the queue, and then get the queue like so:

if (!$controller->isUsingQueue()) {

$queue = $controller->getQueue();

The Queue class implements the Countable interface which means you can get the number of tracks by simply counting it:

$numberOfTracks = count($queue);

# Or call the actual count method
$numberOfTracks = $queue->count();

You can empty a queue using the clear method:


Add all the tracks from a playlist to the queue:

$playlist = $sonos->getPlaylistByName("protest the hero");

$tracks = $playlist->getTracks();

The getTracks() method returns an array of Tracks.

Remove tracks from the queue:

$remove = [];
foreach ($queue->getTracks() as $position => $track) {
    if ($track->getArtist() === "pomegranate tiger") {
        $remove[] = $position;
if (count($remove) > 0) {

This is done using a single call to removeTracks() because all the positions will be recalculated once a track has been removed, so the other positions would now be invalid. It's also more efficient as we only send one request to the Sonos network instead of many.