Forker A PHP helper to fork processes and allow multi-threading

Getting Started




View the API Documentation for this class

After setting some code to run using call() it will be necessary at some point to wait for that code to finish.

To do this must call the wait() method:

$fork->call("doStuffThatTakesALongTime", "5897");
$fork->call("doStuffThatTakesALongTime", "1048");

echo "We've done 5897 and 1048 now\n";

$fork->call("doStuffThatTakesALongTime", "8077");
$fork->call("doStuffThatTakesALongTime", "2222");

echo "We've done 8077 and 2222 now\n";

After calling wait() the fork instance is useless, if you want to handle code in batches, you’ll need separate instances:

$fork = new Fork;
$fork->call("doStuffThatTakesALongTime", "5897");
$fork->call("doStuffThatTakesALongTime", "1048");

echo "We've done 5897 and 1048 now\n";

$fork = new Fork;
$fork->call("doStuffThatTakesALongTime", "8077");
$fork->call("doStuffThatTakesALongTime", "2222");

echo "We've done 8077 and 2222 now\n";

You can wait for a specific thread using it’s PID:

$important = $fork->call("doImportantStuff");
$boring = $fork->call("doBoringStuff");

echo "Important stuff is done, boring stuff may still be going on\n";

echo "Boring stuff is done\n";