Forker A PHP helper to fork processes and allow multi-threading

Getting Started



Getting Started

View the API Documentation for this class

To run some code in a thread just pass a callable to the call() method:


The code should start executing right away, and pass control back to your script. Here’s a simple example demonstrating how the code runs side by side:

$fork->call(function () {
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
        echo "Process A - " . $i . "\n";
$fork->call(function () {
    for ($i = 1; $i < 3; $i++) {
        echo "Process B - " . $i . "\n";

echo "Waiting for the threads to finish...\n";
echo "End\n";

This should output something similar to the below:

Process A - 1
Process B - 1
Waiting for the threads to finish...
Process A - 2
Process B - 2
Process A - 3

The call() method supports variadic arguments:

$fork->call("doStuffThatTakesALongTime", "5897", time());

# Is the same as:
doStuffThatTakesALongTime("5897", time());