withLifetime() withLifetime(integer $lifetime) : static Create a new instance with the specified lifetime. Parameters integer $lifetime The lifetime of the session cookie in seconds. Returns static
getLifetime() getLifetime() : integer Get the current lifetime in seconds. Returns integer — The lifetime of the session cookie in seconds.
withPath() withPath(string $path) : static Create a new instance with the path. Parameters string $path Path on the domain where the cookie will work. Returns static
withDomain() withDomain(string $domain) : static Create a new instance with the domain. Parameters string $domain The domain the cookie should be sent to. Returns static
withSecure() withSecure(boolean $secure) : static Create a new instance with the secure flag. Parameters boolean $secure Only send over secure connections. Returns static
withHttpOnly() withHttpOnly(boolean $httponly) : static Create a new instance with the HTTP only flag. Parameters boolean $httponly Use the HTTP only flag. Returns static