Devices |
Services |
Tracks |
Utils |
AlarmInterface | Provides an interface for managing the alarms on the network. |
ControllerInterface | Allows interaction with the groups of speakers. |
ControllerStateInterface | Representation of the current state of a controller. |
NetworkInterface | Provides methods to locate speakers/controllers/playlists on the current network. |
PlaylistInterface | Provides an interface for managing Sonos playlists on the current network. |
QueueInterface | Provides an interface for managing the queue of a controller. |
SpeakerInterface | Represents an individual Sonos speaker, to allow volume, equalisation, and other settings to be managed. |
StateInterface | Representation of the current state of a controller. |
TrackInterface | Representation of a track. |
UriInterface | An interface for objects that repsent some type of Uri. |