Sql Class An SQL abstraction library for PHP

Getting Started



All classes are in the duncan3dc\SqlClass namespace.

While you can create new instance using the Sql constructor, it is often better to define the available servers first:

 require_once __DIR__ . "vendor/autoload.php";

 use duncan3dc\SqlClass\Sql;

 Sql::addServer("lemieux", [
     "mode"      =>  "mysql",
     "hostname"  =>  "lemieux-db",
     "username"  =>  $_ENV["DB_USERNAME"],
     "password"  =>  $_ENV["DB_USERNAME"],
 Sql::addServer("jagr", [
     "mode"      =>  "mssql",
     "hostname"  =>  "jagr-db:16014",
     "username"  =>  $_ENV["DB_USERNAME"],
     "password"  =>  $_ENV["DB_USERNAME"],

Then you can use the Sql class like a factory to create your instances for you:

 # By default we use first server defined (useful if you only define one server)
 $sql = Sql::getInstance();

 # This will return the exact same object as above
 $sql = Sql::getInstance("lemieux");

 # Or we can get a completely new instance
 $sql = Sql::getNewInstance("lemieux");