All classes are in the duncan3dc\SqlClass
While you can create new instance using the Sql constructor, it is often better to define the available servers first:
require_once __DIR__ . "vendor/autoload.php";
use duncan3dc\SqlClass\Sql;
Sql::addServer("lemieux", [
"mode" => "mysql",
"hostname" => "lemieux-db",
"username" => $_ENV["DB_USERNAME"],
"password" => $_ENV["DB_USERNAME"],
Sql::addServer("jagr", [
"mode" => "mssql",
"hostname" => "jagr-db:16014",
"username" => $_ENV["DB_USERNAME"],
"password" => $_ENV["DB_USERNAME"],
Then you can use the Sql class like a factory to create your instances for you:
# By default we use first server defined (useful if you only define one server)
$sql = Sql::getInstance();
# This will return the exact same object as above
$sql = Sql::getInstance("lemieux");
# Or we can get a completely new instance
$sql = Sql::getNewInstance("lemieux");