Dates A simple library for working with dates and ranges using the default timezone

Getting Started




There are multiple methods for creating date objects, the easiest of which is the static parse() method:

$date = Date::parse("2008-02-22");

The following date formats are supported:

Format      | Description               | Example
yyyy-mm-dd  | Human readable universal  | 2014-09-14
dd-mm-yyyy  | Human readable (british)  | 22-08-2014
dd/mm/yyyy  | Human readable (british)  | 17/06/2014
dd-mm-yy    | Human readable (british)  | 22-08-12
dd/mm/yy    | Human readable (british)  | 17/06/13
yyyymmdd    | Sortable numeric          | 20140930
yyyymm      | Numeric year and month    | 201305

The parse method is also available on the DateTime class:

$date = DateTime::parse("2014-12-31", "14:30:00");

The following time formats are supported:

Format      | Description               | Example
hh:mm:ss    | Human readable universal  | 16:59:00
hh:mm       | Human readable universal  | 09:30
hhmmss      | Sortable numeric          | 43000

It also accepts a single parameter containing both date and time:

$date = DateTime::parse("2014-10-01-17:30:00.000000");

The following formats are supported:

Format            | Description           | Example
Y-m-d-hh:mm:ss.u  | IBM DB2 SQL DateTime  | 2014-09-03-16:59:00
YmdHis            | Sortable numeric      | 20140930112055
YmdHi             | Sortable numeric      | 201409301120

Specifying a format

While the above code is useful and flexible, it is often more robust to only accept a specific format.
This is also useful to support any format not available via parse().

# Date only
$date = Date::fromFormat("Y-m-d", "2014-01-31");

# Date and time
$date = DateTime::fromFormat("d/m/Y H:i:s", "28/02/2008 06:30:12");

# An extreme example
$date = DateTime::fromFormat("F D j H/i (Y)", "March Mon 2 06/30 (2015)");