Dates A simple library for working with dates and ranges using the default timezone

Getting Started




The Range class is used to represent any arbitrary range of dates.

$start = new Date($row["date_from"]);
$end = new Date($row["date_to"]);
$range = new Range($start, $end);

Once you have a range there are a few method for convenient iteration:

foreach ($range->days() as $date) {
    echo $date->string("Y-m-d") . "\n";
foreach ($range->months() as $month) {
    echo $month->string("Y-m") . "\n";
foreach ($range->years() as $year) {
    echo $year->string("Y") . "\n";

You can also count the number of elements in an interator, using the count method or the standard count function:

echo count($range->days()) . "days\n";
echo $range->months()->count() . "months\n";

After creating a range you can still access the start/end objects:

$start = $range->getStart();
$end = $range->getEnd();

This is particularly useful as you can call methods on the start/end objects, For example, you could check if the first or last day of the month is a certain day:

$startsOnMonday = $range->getStart()->isMonday();
$endsOnMonday = $range->getEnd()->isMonday();