Dates A simple library for working with dates and ranges using the default timezone

Getting Started




The Month class is an extension of Range to represent a month. It can be created from a DateTime instance:

$date = Date::now();
$month = new Month($date);

Or using it’s own now method:

$year = Month::now();

The range iterator also returns a month object:

$start = Date::now();
$end = $start->addYears(1);
$range = new Range($start, $end);
foreach ($range->months() as $month) {
    echo $month->string("Y") . "\n";

And every DateTime object has a getMonth() method to get the month for that date:

$date = Date::now();
$month = $date->getMonth();


As with the standard dates library objects, this range can also have some adjustments applied:

$month = Month::now();
$nextYear = $month->addYears(1);
$lastYear = $month->subYears(1);

$nextMonth = $month->addMonths(1);
$lastMonth = $month->subMonths(1);